(Libri Description)Legere valvae manual diligenter intelligere basic structuram et principium.
I. Read valvae manual diligenter intelligere basic structuram et principium
II. Operatio gradus electrica papilio valvae
2.1 Close the air switches of each circuit, when the "site or remote control" indicator is on, switch the "site" or "remote" control as needed, and then choose to open or close the valve operation according to the "closed" or "opened" indicator light . Nota, cum valvae non plene clausa, nec "clausa" vel "apertum" Indicatores et lux est. Rubrum lux modo "CYMBALON in loco" vel "in - site" imperium, viridi lumen modo "Civile clausa in loco" vel "remote" imperium;
2.2 si opus aperire et claudere manually, premere manual et automatic switch et gyrari valvae simul, in "clockwise" directionem est claudere ad valvae, et monstratorem est aperire. Puncto ad XC °.
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